I made him!

Well today I felt tormented, humiliated and so so so MAD ๐Ÿ˜ก I just wanted to jump in my car and go. However I had responsibilities that needed to be done first.

I really wanted to say: I’m done with this job – I quit. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, I wanted that feeling to leave. You know that feeling when you are done wrong – because somebody wants to put themselves in a good spot light by bringing you down. Acting in front of everybody like they can improve the way of your work by telling you how too. All the while they don’t even meet the bare minimum however nobody knows yet. The more I thought about it, the more the anger increased. I was happy when I was dismissed from the meeting. 

    Back in my office, my employees of course needed me again. So I assisted them and continued with my duties. When it was time to go home, I was happy the time had come. I walked to my car and drove away, ready to complain to God about this person. I did not get any further then mentioning this person’s name. GOD STOPPED ME and said —- I MADE HIM!!!  I stayed quiet. I could not say a word and just sat there and thought about those words. Finally, all I could say was okay God, okay God you are right. 

    God then said Romy I formed you in your mother’s womb , I knew you before you were born. ( Psalm 139:13) Don’t you think I did the same for this person that you don’t like? Do you really think I would not know beforehand how this person would turn out. Now what if I placed this person in your life in order for you to grow? (Ephesians 1:11) However all you do is complain and you let them work on you. How can you say that you love me who you have not seen but you hate somebody that you see almost every day,  how can this be? (1 John 4:20)

    I love this person just as much as I love you and you not respecting this person is you not respecting me. I let the rain fall on the just and the unjust. ( Matthew 5:45)  When will you learn to see people through my love, my purpose and my grace? Stop letting these people work on you, be quiet, listen and do not reply to everything – always defending yourself —  it’s becoming old. (James 1:19) Change, let me fight the battle for you – sit still and watch the Lord your God. (Exodus 14:14)

    I have to be honest, it’s going to take work: however the first seed was planted, I have to water it and God will make it grow. ( 1 Corinthians 3:6) I do see this person from a different angle now. Thank you God, praise the Lord Almighty. The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Jesus is truly amazing, amen.

    I pray this will bless somebody. 


    God loves you muchโค๏ธ

    Saludos Romy Ras 

    Published by RMR

    Hi welcome to my site. I am a certified Life Coach. I love to encourage and assist others in finding balance and live a purposeful life. Are you living your days fulfilled and satisfied? Lives are changed when you walk in your purpose and have a strong Foundation to build on.

    29 thoughts on “I made him!

    1. Oooooh well.. God put you back in place… m
      We just have to learn to respect every one for who they are.
      And try to tolerate what we can’t like..
      And treat them accordingly..
      And if you just can’t … then avoid them without judgement…
      and hoped that.. that other person that just don’t like you for whatever reasons. Will do the same for you…
      and you will smile knowing that diversity of attitudes just need to be accepted …

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes God rebukes us; it has happened to me also. Your story touched me deeply because I have a hard time loving mean or obnoxious people. I need to be reminded to not take offense and get angry. God is amazing. This is how he is our teacher and guide thru life.

      Liked by 3 people

    3. Innovation is driven by “The Third Alternative.” (Covey, 2011.). I found drive for many is to present a challenge as all transformational leaders inspire followers through conflict, trouble shooting. Learn about personality and leadership. Remember, Jesus was a charismatic leader, search “leader” in scientificfisherman41.wordpress.com. Recognize the power to relinquish sorro by understanding. Once gaining understanding and drive mechanisms you can control your self, Ego, and hopefully see how the leader spots your drive system. If thinking in the fast subconcious type I thinking, you will always be unhappy, remember, you are driven by anger to perform. Hence, why your boss is transformational and now you need to change your habits to create WINS for you. Once you recognize that your driven by anger, this may make you understand why. If you change, your leader will need to find another tactic. Maybe, the award system. Good luck. Keep up the good work, you are like everyone, we learn until it our expiration date says it’s time to go to another demension.

      Liked by 2 people

    4. Wow..this has touched me. God teaches us to be patient and love another reasons why “love your neighbor as you love yourself” is one of the greatest commanments and if you love God, then you’ll love your neigbor. Great piece. God bless you!

      Liked by 5 people

    5. So it looks like God has some big things in store for you down the road. Praise him and thank him for the trials he brings. They are making us into his image. I love that you get that and all the Holy Spirit had to do was say stop. Praise God for your obedience and steadfastness in times of trials. Really push in praying for him and watch the Spirit begin to work in both of your lives and all that around you. What a encouraging testimony and I am double blessed hearing it. Praise God.

      Much love Tom

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Good afternoon Tom, you are the second person telling me that God has something big in store for me in a short time frame, confirmation ๐Ÿ˜Š thank you. Well it’s because of Jesus that I can be obedient and believe me I fail at times, however praise God for loving us always. Thank you for reading my post Tom and your super nice comment. May God bless you as well.

        Liked by 1 person

    6. This is so good! My pastor mentioned a few times before that when we look at other people, we need to look at them the same way God looks at us! Insane right?! He commands us to love Him, and His people, and the people around us, regardless of their Circumstances are His people, and we need to be mindful about that. Im a forgetful person but God always meets us where we need to be. but sometimes people do push our buttons and sometimes things slip out of our mouths that shouldn’t. But this is a great post, thanks for that! God is good, ALWAYS. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 3 people

    7. It is a great perspective and I need to keep this in mind. I have lately been complaining about a few people. This doesn’t reflect well upon myself who loves the Lord. Thank you for this blessing and message! Hugs, Robin

      Liked by 2 people

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