Can you make God’s work into a business???

This is something that has been bothering me for some time now. Many places were you look today you see that the services given for God are being charged. Look at all of the Christian conferences that are being sold or items that are being sold using Christianity or religion. I wonder if this is okay to do. 

You know I was thinking about maybe writing a book, God led ofcourse. However when I started to think about how this would work, I really did not feel comfortable selling a book that God gave me free wisdom on to write. How can I charge people to read a book with wisdom God wants people to know about and gave to me freely?  Don’t worry I have not started writing a book and it was just a thought which brought up my question. 

The bible teaches us that we should become like Jesus.Well I remember a story were Jesus preached to a multitude of people, did these people pay him? No quite the contrary, Jesus gave the people food until they were full. Matthew 14:13-21

I also remember the story were Jesus send his deciples to go preach to the lost and tell them the end is near. He instructed them not to take any money or a bag but only the clothes and sandals they had on. Because a worker should be given what he needs. Well if Jesus told his deciples this then why are people charging for Christian/religious conferences, books and other items? Matthew 10:6-10

Should the wisdom and teachings we offer for God not be free of charge? If Jesus who is God offered the teachings for free and even made sure people ate before leaving his gatherings. How can we earthly people charge for services we give using God name and wisdom? 

Then why did Jesus get so angry when he found people selling goods in his temple? Why did Jesus tell them not to make his Fathers temple a place of buying and selling? John 2:13-17

I’m not writing this post to point fingers but only to post my questioning behind these things that are going on in this world. I might be wrong on this whole subject and maybe there are things about this that I don’t know, however this uneasy feeling about this is not going away. I have this going through my thoughts for quite some time already. 

The same when I look at all these prosperity churches. Which makes me ask myself has life really become about only being blessed by God and become rich? I know that the bible says that it’s easier for a camel to go through a needles eye than for a rich man to enter God’s kingdom. Matthew 19:24.if God said this then why are people still trying to get rich? Has getting rich or getting money become more import than following Jesus teachings on how we should do the work for God? Has it become more important than helping people see the truth and get saved? If so then where is this world going? If people don’t even respect God and the work that should be done for him and not for ourselves. Why are people so focussed on being blessed by the work they do, rather then how blessed other people can get by them doing God’s work.

Did we forget that the bible says that heaven rejoices when 1 person repents? Is there any better compensation then a person being saved and following God? Luke 15:17 

Has money become more important in this world then a persons salvation? If so – That is a pretty bad place for the world to be in. We truly, absolutely need God. 

God loves you much❤️

Saludos Romy Ras

Published by RMR

Hi welcome to my site. I am a certified Life Coach. I love to encourage and assist others in finding balance and live a purposeful life. Are you living your days fulfilled and satisfied? Lives are changed when you walk in your purpose and have a strong Foundation to build on.

49 thoughts on “Can you make God’s work into a business???

    1. Thank you, you know that’s kind of funny because when I was writing the post I was thinking about a church to answer my question and here you are answering my question. I really did not know what to write today so I took some quiet time and asked God what to write and that came up as it had been bothering me for some time already and the writing went practically by itself. When I
      Was done I was not sure my writing was right so I prayed and asked God not to let me post it if what I wrote was not right. Your reply was really nice to receive. I will read the link, thank you so much.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. You ask many interesting questions — and you are certainly *not* the only one asking them (and not just privately). “Big business” churches bother more people than not, in my experience. Personally, I think it works against what they are attempting to convince people they stand for, which doesn’t strike me as especially Godly.

    I’m not sure what I think about spiritual books – we would have far fewer of them if the time it takes to research and write them, get them produced etc. had to be paid for somehow, with no possibility of back-end book sales. And those books help a lot of people find their way. There are firms that manufacture and sell Bibles, too, and people who choose to buy even very expensive versions – which certainly begs your essential question

    As for all the “religious” tchotchkes — personally, I find it off-putting that businesses of various sizes are built around “jesus Loves You” t-shirts and coffee mugs. But others may like being able to buy them, and find displaying them in their homes spiritually strengthening. The manufacture of any product creates costs that need to be recovered somehow – and your greater point is about the selling of God’s Word, so perhaps this is totally off point.

    Like I said, you raise many interesting questions in a thought-provoking post.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Madelyn for your comment and thoughts. I totally understand that some involve some cost and I’m sure God knows this as the bible verse it says a worker should receive what he needs so I’m sure that God would make sure who ever did the work would receive what needed. This not necessarily always being money, he did this for Jesus and his disciples they were never short of what they needed as far as I read in the bible however they charged nobody. I agree that this topic makes you think, we should keep it into prayer as God can give us wisdom when we ask him. May God bless you.

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      1. And you as well. To be clear, I was not advocating FOR financial remuneration, merely commenting upon the issue you raise as a way to attempt to understand it myself. I wish we could see our paths more clearly as we walk them. Perhaps our discussing this topic on public forums is part of what we are meant to do?

        These are disturbing times in many ways. We can each speak only what is in our hearts to a world that all too often seems to value money, power and politics above all — as we continue to look for evidence of good in our species, praying that we will be led to find it and have the strength to support it.

        Our brain’s crave certainty – and God’s wisdom rarely comes to us in that manner. Faith is not easy.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. It is for this reason, the love of money (not the money itself), that it is easier for the camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven. I had a hard time picturing this as a child…how could a camel do that? Then, I learned that “the eye of a needle” was a reference to a smaller than usual gate, one difficult for a camel to go through, which I thought was interesting.

    I believe that we all need to find a way to make a living. However, I also believe that there are a lot of things that are being charged for that shouldn’t be. For example, I sat through an incredibly long video the other day that was talking about ways to reverse Alzheimer’s disease. These folks have allegedly found a way to put it off if not cure it. It got to the end of the video and, of course, the information about the “cure” had a price tag on it. I’ve seen them for cancer, too. If these people really have discovered a way to cure people of these horrible things, why would they charge for that information? If they were actually as touched by their own loved one’s illness as they say they were, why wouldn’t they freely remove that suffering from others?

    You have to go with what your own convictions are for yourself. It is between you and Heavenly Father, just as it is between others and Him. I think if you feel led to write a book and give it freely, then that is what you should do.

    I do not think that it is necessarily wrong to charge for a book or whatever. What matters is the motive/intention. I think there is a very fine line between trying to make a living and making money one’s idol.

    I do think it is wrong for money to stand in the way of someone’s salvation or health. If I have something or know something that could save a person’s life or soul, here on earth or for eternity, then I should freely give it. Heavenly Father will sort out any costs involved for me. In the end, not freely sharing it could cost me more. Greed comes with a price.

    Thank you for such a thought-provoking post. These are questions that are on my mind, too.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you for your reply on
      My post Suzanne. I agree with the finding a cure as well, that should be given freely. You said it how I believe it: God will sort out any costs involved when you do the work for him. He did that for Jesus and his disciples they had what they needed without charging anyway I believe he would still do it now. How can we put a price tag on the wisdom of God. Thank you for sharing your thoughts I appreciate it. May God bless you.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. you are right…whenever I visit my place of worship I become very distracted by the way the Godly affair is mixed with worldly affair….and i really get pissed off…i can hardly concentrate on my prayers to the Lord….good post dear…

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Great points! Definitely game me some things to think about. My favorite line: “Why are people so focussed on being blessed by the work they do, rather then how blessed other people can get by them doing God’s work.” This will sit with me for a WHILE!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for reading my blog, yes I know what you mean, I wrote it and when I read the text I was like WAW I wrote that? 🙈 When we write things for God he truly inspires the writing, it is all God he deserves the glory. Thank you for your support, May God bless you

      Liked by 3 people

  5. So awesome! I feel the same as you. I believe that is why I have become disenfranchised by so many of the for sale Bible studies offered. I can understand that it takes money to present these studies. Business has its place and needs to be funded accordingly. However, anything above and beyond so as to gain profit from God’s Word is just not right. God will bless you accordingly for the work you do to advance His kingdom. But to share God given wisdom and knowledge and market it as “secret things” is sinful. God gives us His Word for free in the form of His Son, Jesus.

    As far as your book is concerned… Have you considered publishing it on iBooks or on the iTunes Store? You can submit your book for free and “sell” it for nothing. If you do decide to sell it for compensation, you can always use any monies gained to put toward a Christian ministry of your choice.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Very interesting blog post. To an extent I had the same pondering questions you had, however, (this is just my opinion) I believe that the money gained should be used for the expansion of God’s kingdom. I’m currently in the process of publishing my first book and the proceeds are slated to be used to open up a school for troubled youth.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for reading and for your kind comment. Oh that is very nice and also very necessary youth needs allot of help these days. I love the idea, very nicely thought out. I hope your book becomes a great success, may God bless your work.

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  7. Thank you for this post. I too wondered for years and whenever I asked people, they said things like
    “It costs money, so it’s only fair to charge money”,
    “Don’t make a lot of profits”,
    “Donate extra money to some charity”,
    “Use money to fish more people to God” and
    “Ask a donation and don’t set a price”, blah, blah, blah.

    Then I came across a free website, and for the first time in 13 years, I learned what Christianity meant. Then I also joined their sister website, and thought “Had they even asked for one cent, how would I have made the payment without a credit card?”

    And through demonstration, Jesus taught me that “as you have received freely and only learned from free publishers, so give freely or else, it’ll go waste”.

    Even if I only ask donations, I’ll lose my freedom and will only say what pleases the world.

    Sorry for this lengthy reply but I’m burning with anger because I respect God and people keep disrespecting Him.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. This is d first sentence I’m typing on the blog. Actually dat thought was running behind my mind since last two days. This instinct to write and share the love of God prompted me to start this blog . If God permits – it ll flurish. Amen.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. You definitely are doing a great job here by Gods help. Actually I Dont actually grasp the full context of why are perplexed about paying for services that is suppose to be free

    What if maybe we consider the cost of printing
    Cost of rentals
    Cost of advertisements
    And a whole lot of other things.

    I actually bought into the believe that all things should be done and charge modestly.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. There is a line a believe. God gave you knowledge to write a book, to spread to the world. The book profits are his blessings to you, however much the worth or however meager. What you do with that money that the lord has blessed you with is the real issue. Take care of yourself and and your family, be sure there is food on the table a roof over your heads. Be sure you are able to provide your children with the opportunities to do great things in his name, if that means university tuition, so be it.

    Where we fall short is when we seek beyond God’s calling. Do you focus on Prada or philanthropy? Money can be the root of all evil, but it doesn’t have to be. Any excess funds can be donated to causes you feel God is calling you to impact. You could do great things in his name, help many people travel, eat, study, and seek shelter.

    Now there are the preachers who drive in Cadillacs and Corvettes, or live in ostentatious mansions, while reaping in the millions from their massive following. Are they evil? No. They are human. Sometimes we forget that even those who are leading us in God’s world are only as human as we are.

    Anyway, I hope this helps place some things in perspective.

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  11. You are absolutely right. Jesus himself said at Matthew 10:8, “… You receive free, give free.” We have never been encouraged to make money from serving God or doing his work. When you see people making money this way, it is actually a sign of the last days and of untruth. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes the type of people we would see during the “last days”. Notice that it specifically mentions men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God and having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power. The last part says, “and from these turn away.” You are right for feeling this way as it shows you have a deep love for God. If you do write a book, make it freely available online. You will not make money, but you will be storing up treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:20)

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    1. Hi Heather, thank you for your comment I appreciate it. You make a good point, thank you for explaining. I love that you use the Bible to back up your explanation, nicely done. I hope you enjoy your holidays.


  12. I love how authentic you were when writing this post! I think that most people begin with the intention of serving God and spreading the gospel but get sucked into temptation and the love of money or recognition. I never believed that God’s work should be a business or be considered as a business because there are ways in which God will supply all needs that won’t interfere with making disciples of all nations 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good morning Shelda, thank you for your comment. I agree and I think it’s not an easy subject. I also believe that God will supply as he did when Jesus was on earth, he did not charge anybody money quite the contrary. God is good and will give wisdom to who knocks and asks. May you have a blessed day.

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